Did you know you can help Bubbenhall Village Hall by shopping online?
Do you buy online with any of the following:
Amazon, Sainsbury's, thetrainline, debenhams, pcworld, thornton's, b&q, asda ... etc etc
If so, you could help raise funds for the village hall.
Simply follow this link
(or click on one of the banners to the right or below) and then shop online as normal -
you will find an A-Z list of retailers, or you can shop by category.
What will it cost me?
NOTHING! Every time you buy online the retailer will pay a commission
(the rate varies according to the retailer and/or product) towards the Village Hall
fund because you followed the link from here!
The only thing you have to do is create a (free) account with
There are hundreds of retailers signed up to this sceme, so next time you shop online
please follow this link