Bubbenhall Village

St Giles Church Services

Services are normally held at the following times -

United Benefice of Baginton, Bubbenhall

and Ryton-on-Dunsmore


Rector:    Vacancy

Reader:   Mrs Rosemary King                Tel No: 01788 573067


Baginton  Churchwardens:

Mrs Dawn Richardson                             Tel No: 02476 302667

Ms. Catherine Weston                catherinemweston@talktalk.net


Bubbenhall Churchwarden:

Mr. Craig Greenway                                Tel No: 02476 303918


Ryton Churchwardens:

Mrs  Janet Smith                                      Tel No: 02476 306224

Mr Mark Jones                                          Tel No: 02476 302272






July 2:

Fourth Sunday after Trinity

11.00 a.m:

 Holy Communion

10.00 a.m:

Village Service.


9.30 a.m:

Parish Communion .

July 9:

Fifth Sunday after Trinity.

5.30 pm: Evensong.

10.00 am:

Holy Communion.

9.30 am:

Village Worship.

July 16:

Sixth Sunday after Trinity.

11.00 a.m:



10.00 a.m:

Holy Communion.

9.30 a.m:  Parish Communion.


July 23:

Seventh Sunday after Trinity.




11.00 a.m:

Village worship


10.00 a.m:

Holy Communion

9.30 a.m

Family Service.





July 30: Eighth  Sunday after Trinity

5th Sunday in the month: One United Benefice service for all our churches.

This time it’s Ryton’s turn:

Parish Communion at 9.30 a.m.

August 6:

The Transfiguration.

11.00 a.m:

Holy Communion.

10.00 a.m:

Village Service.

9.30 a.m:

Parish Communion.

August 13:

Tenth Sunday

after Trinity


5.30 p.m: Evensong.

10.00 a.m:

Holy Communion.

9.30 a.m:

Village Worship.

Tuesday, August 15:       The Blessed Virgin Mary       (The Assumption)

August 20:

Eleventh Sunday after Trinity


11.00 a.m:

Holy Communion (replaces Mattins)

10.00 a.m:

Holy Communion.

9.30 a.m:

 Parish Communion.

August 27:

Twelfth Sunday after Trinity

11.00 a.m:

Village Worship

10.00 a.m:

Holy Communion.

9.30 a.m:

Family Service.


September  3:

Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity /

For St Giles. 

Patronal Festival:

11.00 a.m:

 Holy Communion.

10.00 a.m:

Village Service.

9.30 a.m:

Parish Communion.


September 10:

Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity


5.30 p.m: Evensong

10.00 a.m:

Holy Communion.

9.30 a.m:

Village Worship.

At Ryton: Wednesdays July 12 and August 9: 11.30 a.m.: Holy Communion.  We have been able to start this monthly midweek service again. Do please join us for a quiet, said service lasting about half an hour.


Services in our three parishes following the retirement of the Revd. David Wintle.


Now that we have no parish priest, we are having to implement a temporary/ interim schedule of services. We are aiming to hold one service each Sunday in each church, but we have had to suspend weekday services until further notice. The schedule above shows what services we shall endeavour to hold in each parish, but we are finding it difficult to recruit clergy to officiate.

You will see that the times of the services are mainly what you are used to, (but note changed times on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at Bubbenhall) and we shall be continuing to offer coffee and tea after the services where this is customary. If a priest is unfortunately not available, an authorised Service of the Word (with hymns and refreshments) will be offered instead of Holy Communion.

We shall give as much notice as possible in the weekly email update and on noticeboards.

We thank all those people who are working so hard to keep our churches up and running during the time when we shall be without a Rector/ Vicar. Please support them in their efforts by volunteering, coming to community events, and most importantly- by coming to church!

Normal service pattern at St. Giles' Church, Bubbenhall:


1st Sunday in the month:
11.00 a.m.Holy Communion .

2nd Sunday in the month:
5.30 p.m. Evensong.

3rd Sunday in the month:
11.00 a.m. Mattins

4th Sunday in the month:
11.00 a.m. Village Worship with refreshments.

5th Sunday in the month:
United services of Holy Communion in Baginton, Bubbenhall and Ryton churches in rotation.

Further information - tel. 01788 573067



This site is supported by Bubbenhall Parish Council

Developed and maintained by Jan Lucas

contact us

Last updated on 2nd of October 2024